new hair, new shoes!

hey peeps! here we go - i got my shoes! I am so chuffed. i did actually sell a whole lot of stuff on ebay and therefore bought these shoes 100% guilt free :). as for my hair - i'm attending a conference and wedding this week, and also am off to barbados next week so needed to get something done pronto. i was happy with how it turned out.

so that's one pair down....and a few more to go! 

dress - zara (old) - try this one
tights - h&m
shoes - massimo dutti - available here

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  1. Oh how I love those shoes!!! So I am looking for the shoes locally and I read that they are opening a store in NY. So excited and I hope they launch with those shoes.

    1. that is just too cool! my hubby is coming over to the states soon - let me know if you want me to sort something out for you incase they dont have them ;).
