Invest & Retain!

I have a rule to only buy things i absolutely love. It doesn't matter if it's'just a pair of flip flops' or that  handbag I'll use for work. If I don't love it, I wont use it. My problem is I'll buy and use till the poor shoe/top/bag cries out for mercy! Literally! I've taken shoes to a cobblers to try and rescue them and the guy has gone 'Let them go. I think they've served you well.'
I could almost hear the shoes cry out "rescue us cobbler man - she's going to keep wearing us!".

Its often after such a visit that I scold myself for not taking better care of my shoes/bags/clothes. I have a friend who is the polar opposite. She hardly wears any of her clothes. I think she's obsessed with keeping them looking new. She was my first wardrobe weeding 'victim'! That was interesting - 3/4 of her wardrobe still had tags in it!!

Somewhere in the middle is the girl who buys what she loves every season and is able to enjoy wearing these items without killing them in the process. I want to be that girl! So this season I have made it my job to go out and actually buy a few extra things than I normally would just to ensure I look effortlessly chic without killing anything in the process. Being on maternity leave I can't exactly afford to blow the budget....but, I've managed to bag a few bargains by keeping my eyes open!

One thing I bought is this delicious MaxMara inspired coat from Zara.

This is the delicious MaxMara coat which I could only dream of is now sold out incase you were thinking of rushing in to spend your spare £1200...

In other hair is coming on in leaps and bounds. I am learning what does and doesn't work for me which is good. You may notice my hairline is a bit patchy - these are the after-effects of pregnancy for me! The hair is slowly growing back. 

how do you ensure your favourite clothes stay fabulous?

coat - zara (out of stock) - similar here or here
cord jeans - reiss (old) 
shirt - topshop (old) 
jumper - h&m (old) similar here or here
belt - topshop (old) 
bag - karen millen (old) - similar here

have a fabulous weekend!


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