The Age Old Issue

So today is my birthday...

I didn't know how to feel as the day loomed in the horizon. Suddenly I felt how my dad felt when as kids we'd be bouncing up and down singing on his birthday. He often said after a certain age you stop looking forward excitedly to your birthday - instead dreading the annual reminder that you are another year closer to the zimmerframe. Even our parties gave the adults reason to lament. They would gather around exclaiming 'ende tachembera!' - 'Wow! we are old!'
It was as if each age the kids got to reminded them of how far they were from that youthful day when one of us was born.

SO... here I am. 33...screaming baby in tow..
As I look at my wardrobe and then at the young 17 and 18 year olds running around do I feel a pang of jealousy? I know now there are some things I just cannot wear anymore - not if I have any self respect anyway.
BUT - I do know there are things that those 17/18 yr olds would love to wear that they can't yet. They are desperate to look mature and sophisticated and be taken seriously. Exhibit a:  Miley Cyrus at Elton John's Oscars party:

 I, on the other hand, am trying desperately to cling onto the reckless abandon and frivolous attitude they have to fashion. Exhibit b...pick a mall, ANY mall!

So what is to be done? How about we all just love who we are right now?Regardless of age, body type, height -  how about we celebrate what we can do with what we have in our hands? How about the curvy woman celebrate her curves whilst the long legged woman shows off those legs? How about the petite woman celebrating in towering heels and the skinny woman doing a Gwynneth Paltrow at the Oscars? I am a firm believer that we can each look a million dollars and make someone else wish they were in our shoes! My motto for this year is borrowed from one of my favourite blogs: Advanced Style. Yesterday's blog was titled:

Don't Try and Look younger, just look as wonderful as you can. 

Perfect for me today! replace 'younger' with whatever you want and celebrate you!

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